
How to get 1000 likes to your Facebook Fan Page

If you have a facebook fan page but merely any fans, then chances are that your business won’t be taken seriously in social media. Facebook fan count is a social proof that your business/identity matters. For a starter getting 1000 facebook fans is a good starting point for building your social presence.

In this post I will share some of the strategies that I have used to gain thousand facebook likes in my fan page.
There are many ways of getting 1000 likes on facebook. I will outline the most effective and free method that I have used.

Complete Your Facebook Page

Create a facebook page and start adding details on it.

Fill out every blank area of your facebook page. Add the name, long description, about info, website field, email/contact info, profile image etc. Adding more information will help your fan page to be discovered in facebook search and you will be able to get more likes.

Get a Vanity Facebook Url

Set a short & memorable url for your facebook page.

The best way is to set it as your brand name. You can set yourself a facebook username for your page here. Once you have your page url, you can then promote this easily on email, tweets and offline.

Use a Good Facebook Cover Picture

A cover picture is the big wide image that you can see on new facebook pages. This can be a banner to represent your fan page. Add a cover picture that best describes you/your blog. You can also edit this image to make it look as you want.

The cover image will improve the likability of your facebook page. The dimensions of a facebook cover image: 850 pixels in wide and 315 pixels in tall.

Post Share-able Content

Facebook is a viral platform. You can easily find funny pictures, photos and inspirational quotes and share on your facebook page. The aim is to get the most traction to your posts.

The more activity you get the more edge rank you will have and the more chance you will get to reach new fans.

Update More Often In Your Fan Page

If you want to grow the likes in your facebook fan page then you have to update your page regularly. Post 2 updates to your page every day. The more frequent you post the more you will get the chance to reach your fans. When your fans like or comment on your page post, their friends will see the activity. This will result more exposure and you will get more likes over time. Facebook edge rank depends on the facebook posting frequency and engagement levels.

Post to Other Pages as A Page

You can use facebook as your page
You can use facebook as your page. When you are using it as a page you can search for other bigger brand pages that relate to your niche and then you can post to comments as your page. This will get you more exposure and you will get more facebook fans. With this action you are exposing your page to other people who are already engaged in similar topic.

Add a Like Box to Your Website

The like box is a widget by facebook that allows you to show off your page and fans on your website.Go to facebook developers to get a like box for your site.
Using the fan box your website visitors can like your page without leaving your website
Using the fan box your website visitors can like your page without leaving your website. Place a fan box on your website/blog and see your fan count grows.

Use a like button

Just like the like box, there is a like button that can link to your page. You can add this button on your website footer and get more likes to your facebook page.

Suggest Your Page to Your Friends

You can invite your existing friends from your profile to your fan pageA good technique of getting more likes to your fan page is to invite your facebook friends to your page. You can invite your existing friends from your profile and they will get a notification in their account. But be aware that the people who you are inviting are interested with the topic of your fan page. Otherwise this can backfire as people will start to ignore you on facebook.

Ask People to Share Your Fan Page

Ask your loyal friends to share your facebook page on their wall. You can also instruct them on how they can suggest their friends to like your page. When people like your page it automatically shows up on their activity feed so you always gain exposure for your page whenever someone new likes your page.

Hold Like Contests

This is another strategy that brands hold in order to get more facebook fans. First hold a contest in your page. The winner who will get the most likes on their entry will get the prize. The contestants share and invite their friends to like their entry. In order to like the entry, the new person has to become a fan of your page.

Link to Your Fan Page from Elsewhere

Social media sites allow you to link to your facebook fan pages. Link to your page from your other profiles like twitter, youtube and blog. When you link to your facebook page people can click on it and discover your page easily. It also helps you gain better positions in search engine.

Make It as a Mini Website

Don’t just stop there at the default page layout, add more custom tabs. You can add unlimited custom pages to your facebook page. You can add your blog, custom page and lots of other info –making it a mini website. If people like to hang around more on your page, people will love to share your page to friends. There is an useful app that allows you to create custom tabs in your page.
Rinse and repeat and you shall be able to secure 1000+ facebook likes in no time at all.
1000 likes in facebook
You can see my Page.

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